What to Expect

Customers can request a free estimate by phone, our contact page here, or on Facebook. 

 We may need to come out and see the job in order to give a more accurate estimate but your estimate will still be free. Estimates are only valid for 30 days.

We prefer to email our estimates and invoices to the customer. Let us know if you prefer a different method.

Your free estimate will include a detailed list of any work to be completed with a labor price for each. It will also have a material list required to complete all work. The prices shown for materials are normally from Home Depot. We do not add any mark up, this helps us keep our pricing fair and competitive.

*The customer can purchase the materials or we can purchase/pickup materials. Depending on the cost for materials, we may require payment either prior to or upon delivery.

Our invoice will have all required work with final labor prices for each. It will also show material list required and who will handle purchasing/ordering. It will have an overall total amount to be paid and  if any payments will be required upfront. Your invoice will also have your One Year Guaranteed Warranty. We accept payments by Cash or Debit/Credit.

*Please be aware that sometimes there may be hidden damage or problems that we were not able to see before work began. If we need to purchase more materials or change any labor prices we will notify customer a.s.a.p. before any changes are made.

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